1) Our four elementary schools kicked off their annual fundraiser Power of Positivity! This is the only fundraising event the Heritage Elementary DC-G PTO, North Ridge Elementary DC-G PTO, South Prairie Elementary DC-G PTO and Dallas Center Elementary DC-G PTO are involved in. Your support is greatly appreciated. We've worked hard to select a fundraiser that doesn't involve door to door sales so that our students can stay safe. Like your elementary school's PTO FaceBook page to learn more.

2) The October board meeting has been changed from October 23rd to October 30th. This was to ensure that a quorum would be present. You can come to the board meetings or watch them on the DCG YouTube channel. Meetings begin at 5:30 PM.

3) There is a school board election going on. The candidate forum will be held on November 2nd. Look for more information on the Dallas Center - Grimes CSD website and FaceBook page.

Finally, all this information was shared in the most recent issue of the Mustang Monthly. However, the best way to communicate is face-to-face. I'm holding a Candidate Meet & Greet event tomorrow at the Grimes Public Library in the large meeting room. Please come on out, grab a sign and ask your questions. I'd love to hear from you personally about what your priorities are for our school district.